Clear Lemurian Quartz Point Small


Lemurian Seed Crystal

Divine Knowledge

Lemurian crystals are the seeds that were planted from the eons of Mu and Lemuria. They contain a database of information about the ways of the lemurian civilization. They are heart teachers that harness and hold the diamond ray.

Embedded in the crystalline formation are etched horizontal lines that create this laddering which hold the crystals barcode and blueprint.

Lemurian seed crystals are for anybody who wishes for clarity and spiritual discernment on their path

They hold the vibration of the diamond ray, a deeply cleansing and purifying ray. They balance and re-align the subtle etheric layers of our light body

They aid to remove any feelings of separation through present and past lifetimes

Bring a connection to the element of earth and water

Wonderful for any earth healers or nature lovers. They amplify your heart-based intentions

Activate and ascend spirals through the heart’s flame

Open the crown to aid connection, messages and divine insights


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