Energy & Sound Healing

A ceremony for connection and devotion to self. A truly immersive experience of energy healing followed by a crystalline sound bath.

A healing ceremony devoted to you, to hold you through soul growth, transition and transformation. To create space to receive what you need in that moment.

Through the use of hands on energy healing, Rachel will harmonise any areas of stagnancy within the body to allow us to return to our heart’s inner alignment. A supportive space to unravel anything that is no longer serving us at a soul level. To harmonise any area of our life that brings us challenge. To welcome an expansion through all of our layers and timelines.

After the energy healing, we will share a grounding plant-based snack & fruit infused water before settling into a candlelit crystalline sound bath.

Rachel will share a bespoke crystalline immersion to bring healing, harmony and true alignment. Our soul is sonic therefore when we bathe in sound, we can receive higher healing through our soul’s core. Sound awakens and stirs a soul remembrance within.

A stilling candlelit space to integrate the healing energies and surrender into a restorative & held cocoon of blankets, bolsters and pillows.